Sunday, July 14, 2013

Momma T.

Genteel, in the very best sense of the word, is how I describe this grace filled beautiful woman.
Surrounded by acres and acres of grassland and herds of cattle. Her white hair, blown by the hot Texas wind, whips around her face like cirrus clouds. A sparkle in her clear blue eyes invites you into her home and into her life.
Special? Doesn't touch the essence of this woman I call, "Momma T".
Our first meeting a connection was made that turned me into family. Then one by one she added the rest of us into her clan. Having afternoon rendezvous with my man.
Years have passed and time is growing short for my precious "Momma T".
Our last visit was our last visit.
Skin so thin every vain glowed through, like multiple rivers of life.
Hair sand white and fine as a spider's thread.
Asking about everything her breath would allow,
we filled in answers while she caught her breath that soon would be her last.
I couldn't keep my hands off her cool skin.
Just one more touch.
One more moment.
Only one more question.
She's tired,
it was time for us to go.
Just one more kiss.
One more hug.
One more good bye.
We wished her a safe passing
and said our last goodbye.

Our dear friend made her journey home today July14,2013.
She is rejoicing with her God and reunited with the love of her life.
A life lived like hers needs many tributes. This is mine.
Peace, till we visit again. Remember, this journey we call death is an adventure unto it's own.


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