Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pot Holes,Ruts and Bumps in the Road

When I was pregnant with our first child I would walk, climb stairs anything to start the labor. I was so tired! I was tired of mother saying "it's a full moon,(waning or waxing didn't matter) surely she will come tonight" or "let's eat something really spicy and see if that will help". Oh, how tired I was of old wives tales!
The one thing I think really did help (in my mind at least) was riding around in an old delivery van that was bumpy as HELLO! Hartley and I would laugh as this huge person in the passenger seat would flop around, grab for the door, look for anything to hold on to! (Wet my pants and hope it was my water breaking). Inevitably his route would take him to the back forty of east bageezus!!!! With every washed out rut and pot hole I just knew my water was about to break! No such luck! My water didn't break for another week or so while we were having a relaxing dinner and a huge slab of coconut pie at The Club Cafe! The waitresses were so excited cause we were like family there. We had eaten there since we were in high chairs and now a new generation was about to appear!
Like you we have all hit bumps in the road. Some have only made us reach for the oh ---- handle, others caused a flat tire, while others have caused a wreck with irreparable damage. In our lives we have experienced all of these. I can talk about some stories while other stories even if I was a part of them they are for someone else to tell in their own time. I choose to protect the rights of others especially when I call them family.
After I was in college for a year I was convinced God was calling me to work in a home for women with various problems. The original vision was a place where Christian women could live and learn together as they went about their individual routines. That changed to unwed mothers, runaways, drug addicts, damaged and abused women and children ( our youngest in the house was14) with several babies running around. Doesn't sound  like a bad gig for a 70's Jesus Movement convert just looking for the Heart of God ? It was! A POT HOLE of almost irreparable damage. Sure I learned a  lot from the experience like how to strip and wax floors, clean nasty toilets, cook for 20 plus a day, and listen to our leader explain that she was Gods voice to me. That last part sounded like the time to ditch that gig!
I don't think my precious angel of a daughter would like to be referred to as a pothole! Her arrival came a little earlier than the wedding bells. For me and her daddy that was perfectly fine. For some others it was a bit more unsettling to say the least. This bump( no pun intended) was one I just had to hold onto my seat for a few seconds! This bump became Grace for me. I will be eternally grateful for Emily Afton!
Much later in my life symptoms that I had had all along became a sink hole (much larger than pot holes). A wrong diagnosis of bipolar disorder and an uber string of medicines that sent me into a world of darkness. Leaving me with no memories of a month worth of events ( the no memories part was probably good for me, not for my precious husband that had to watch some pretty awful stuff.) It was about six months before I could hear the birds and feel the sunshine and unwrap from my cocoon and crawl out into some sense of living again.At this moment I can hear  the birds are singing "pritty pritty"and I am alive and ready for my adventure.
 Potholes, ruts, washed out roads, and even sink holes can't hold you back for long even if they take your adventure in a different direction it's still an adventure!
Peace, till we visit again! I'll post soon about how our adventure is developing after hitting a pot hole!
Happy Easter ~ He is risen ~ He is risen indeed ~ Amen