My mom died June 18, 2006 and seldom does a day pass that I don't think "I need to call mom and tell her..." I guess that will never stop. Mom told me that after "blank" number of years when Sunday came she would still reach for the phone to give her mother a call. Well I have started to write about Mothers Day after all! It is a very emotional day for me as I am sure it is for so many of you for so many different reasons. Bless you all and capture what fond memories you can this Mothers Day!
Now that I am not blogging about Mothers Day I guess I will share a story/poem I wrote for my mom.
I knew Mothers Day was close
I saw the plants with little pink and white balls as we rode past on the way to school.
Watching these balls change to flowers I knew it was time.
Riding my bike down the hill by our house with a pocket full of change I made for the Peony Patch!
The gardeners garage was open and full of buckets filled with
Pink , white, deep red peonies.
The smell was overwhelming, I couldn’t turn my nose off as I put my face down to the bucket. I was in peony heaven!
The gardener separated the blooms into groups . Some were for the flower shops others for people just stopping in and then the buckets that were just not quite right for the stores those were the buckets for me. I stayed and stayed searching through each bucket until I had a bunch that I was proud of. The gardener wrapped them in paper and tied them with a coarse string as I pulled out my handfuls of change. Secretly hoping I had enough to buy the ones I had chosen. The gardener said that I had just the right amount!
With peonies under arm I began the trek home up the hill. Huffing and puffing while pushing my bike most of the way I arrived with a crinkled package and a red face.
Momma would always look surprised even if she did know where I had gone! “Beautiful “she said as she gave me a huge hug and a kiss and a drink to cool off.
For my Momma February 24,1918 - June 18 ,2006